OBIO’s “Tackling the Anchor Company Challenge” summit: Scott Phillips participates in Action Teams

OBIO Anchor company challenge logo January 2017


The Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO®) 2017 Leadership Summit, “Tackling the Anchor Company Challenge”, takes place January 23, 2017 in Toronto, ON. StarFish Medical CEO and Founder, Scott Phillips will participate and speak in Action Team 1: Innovation Pull – Engaging industry investment in our institutions and stimulating innovation growth, chaired by Anthony De Fazekas, Norton Rose Fulbright.  He will also participate in Action Team 2: Adoption. For registration information click here.

OBIO is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization. OBIO is engaged in the development of an integrated health innovation economy for Ontario that will become a leader in providing health technology to the international marketplace.