Discover Tectoria 2018: StarFish exhibits

Discover Tectoria 2018


StarFish Medical will exhibit in booth 15 at Discover Tectoria 2018, an exposition of more than 75 Greater Victoria tech firms and research agencies on 23 Feb 2018, 11:00am – 6:00pm. Jess Hickman, Peter Kazakoff and Azra Rajwani will be on hand to discuss careers, projects, and biomedical opportunities.

Discover Tectoria is an exposition of more than 75 Greater Victoria tech firms and research agencies… under ONE roof. It’s one of the only events where locals and visitors come together to discover the innovation that’s stemming from right here in Victoria. Attendees get to interact with the people and their creations to better understand who and what is driving Victoria’s largest industry… leading to potential careers, connections or just an appreciated knowledge. VIATEC created this event to open the eyes of potential employees, investors and policy makers to the vibrancy and potential of the local tech scene… not to mention inspiring tomorrow’s inventors. It’s an event for everyone and it’s FREE to attend! No need to register. Check out last year’s event in this recap video!