Discover Tectoria: StarFish exhibits, Jess Hickman Career panelist

StarFish Medical exhibits and HR Manager, Jess Hickman is a panelist at Discover Tectoria 2017, a one-day exposition of more than 70 Greater Victoria technology firms and research agencies.  This year’s event will be held February 24.

It’s an event for everyone* and it’s FREE to attend! No need to register.

*Everyone = Students (of all ages!), parents, job seekers, media, investors (The Capital Mission is in town at the same time), government officials and more!

Career panel discussion (Jess Hickman center)
Photo courtesy: By jack flash photography
WHAT YOU NEED TO LAND THAT GIG includes Jess Hickman as one of three HR expert panelists.  Get the inside scoop from HR experts on what companies are looking for in future employees and how you can come out on top. Oh, and what NOT to put on your resume.  The panel is moderated by Kim Krenzler (RevenueWire).

Jess and Peter Kazakoff, StarFish Medical Jr. Electrical Engineer, staff the StarFish booth.  They will be demonstrating several products designed or manufactured by StarFish engineers. They will also be talking to visitors interested in pursuing careers with the company.