Five Days in May 2018: Scott Phillips presents “Innovations in Medical Devices for Cardiac Care”

Cardiac Care

Be inspired by local research that’s addressing the leading cause of premature death in Canada! Scott Phillips, CEO and Founder, StarFish Medical will present “Innovations in Medical Devices for Cardiac Care” at Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Advances in Cardiac Care Tuesday May 29 from 1 – 3:30 pm in the Woodward Room, Begbie Hall, Royal Jubilee Hospital.

Speakers include: From Near Death to Stem Cell Research–  Gordon McDougall, Premature Coronary Artery Disease: Perspectives and Advances – Dr. Chris Franco, MD, PhD, FRCP(C), General Cardiology and Prevention; Staff Cardiologist, Royal Jubilee Hospital, Preventing Cardiac Arrest during a Heart Attack: the Magic Bullet – Dr. Markus Sikkel (BSc MBBS MRCS PhD), Cardiologist, Island Health, and Fixing Broken Hearts: Research Highlights from British Columbia -Dr. Bilal Iqbal (BSc MBBS MRCP(UK) PhD), Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Island Health; Professor, Division of Medical Sciences, UVic. Register online: