iWIST 2019 Patio Party

iWIST 2019 Patio Party.


iwist happy hourStarFish is a proud sponsor of the iWIST 2019 Patio Party. iWIST is the Island Women in Science and Tech group. The patio party is a hot summer evening of drinks and laughs with the women in Victoria’s science and tech community! The summer patio party has become an iWIST tradition. The 2019 edition is extra special as members give props to Robyn Quinn, iWIST’s co-founder and longtime chair, for everything that she’s done to help build this vibrant community. Come by to give Robyn a hug and meet the new IWIST board. Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2019, Location: Glo Restaurant & Lounge (2940 Jutland) Victoria BC, Time: 4:30pm – 7:30pm REGISTRATION