@vivitrolabs Hats off to our #FOTyyj team for donating prizes to MustardSeedFoodBank #VIATECFoodBankChallenge pic.twitter.com/saxvH8o8Ib
— StarFish Medical (@StarFishMedical) December 3, 2015
ViVitro Labs and StarFish Medical raised $7,741.10 for VIATeC‘s 2015 Winter Food Bank Challenge in support of the Mustard Seed foodbank. Activities included a highly successful chili/curry cook-off in November.

The Victoria Times Colonist summed up the Food Bank Challenge in an article dated December 10, 2015, that included StarFish Medical’s activities.
“VIATEC’s 13th annual Food Bank Challenge wrapped over the weekend, raising $73,584 in cash plus food donations that were being weighed this week. The organization’s February food drive brought in $51,636.
The Mustard Seed’s buying power nearly doubles the total amount raised to $245,941. Since its inception, the VIATEC Food Bank Challenge has raised just under $2 million.” wrote Andrew Duffy.
Thanks to Hayley Young for leading the combined company drive, the Social Committee for organizing the cook-off, and to all employees for being so generous with their time and donations,