GIRLS’ STEM LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE: Vesna Janic presents From Concept to Saving Lives: Designing Medical Technology


StarFish Medical Director of QA/RA, Vesna Janic will present From Concept to Saving Lives: Designing Medical Technology at the HEADS AND HEARTS TO ACTION GIRLS’ STEM LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE April 20 & 21, 2017 at St. Margaret’s School in Victoria BC.

Janic joins other female leaders from various disciplines sharing their stories at the conference. The keynotes speakers include Natalie Panek, Rocket Scientist and one of Canadian Geographic’s top Female Explorers of the year, Donna Garbutt, CEO of Maxxam analytical services, and Rosemary Chapdelaine Vice President of Lockheed Martin.

The conference goals include: 1. To inspire young women to seek and to courageously accept responsibilities as part of their contribution to society. 2. To increase awareness of current and emerging leadership opportunities, with a special interest in STEM opportunities. 3. To develop a network of students to support future collaboration among these emerging leaders.