StarFish Medical Bio Services Manager, Nick Allan, is a co-author of Comparison of the efficacy of silver-based antimicrobial burn dressings in a porcine model of burn wounds an In Press, Corrected Proof article in Burns Journal available online 27 April 2020.
Offering an example of Allan’s medical device evaluation, pre-clinical design and execution expertise, the article describes “an in vivo porcine model of burns, which we use to test the antimicrobial efficacy of three common wound dressings and a control.”
The article concludes “Nanocrystalline silver-based wound dressings generally outperformed silver-plated nylon and high-oxidation silver salts in this in vivo model of burn wounds. Relative to prophylactic use, it may be advisable to change the dressings more frequently when treating an infected wound.”
Nick Allan is the StarFish Medical Bio Services Manager. He applies creative thinking and innovation to biomedical project commercialization from product definition through sustaining engineering.