John Walmsley panelist at SABPA Medical Device and Diagnostic (MDD) Forum, February 7, 2015

The 4th annual Sino-American Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Professional Association (SABPA) Medical Device and Diagnostic (MDD) Forum on Saturday, February 7, 2015, in San Diego CA, will bring together stakeholders of in research, academia, regulatory and investment to foster partnerships that will boost the development of medical device, drug, and biological products for rare disease patients.  This year’s theme is Breakthrough Technologies Accelerating Diagnosis and Filling the Therapeutic Gap for Rare and Genetic Diseases.

StarFish Medical VP Product Development, John Walmsley, will be a panelist with moderator Dr. Christina Waters, CEO & Founder Rare Science , and co-panelists:  Dr. Hudson Freeze, Director, Human Genetics Program, Sanford Children’s Health Research Center, and  Kim Goodsell, Patient Self Advocate. The panel will discuss New approaches to overcoming obstacles and drive discovery and innovation for faster patient impact. John will share StarFish experience designing a patient driven medical device.

The Keynote Speech is:  Research and Drug Development for Rare Diseases: NIH Initiatives and Resources, presented by Rashmi Gopal-Srivastava, Ph.D., Director, Extramural Research Program, Office of Rare Diseases Research (ORDR), NCATS, NI

Registration information.

Other Speakers and Panelists include

  • Christian Braemer, CEO & CO-Founder, Benefunder
  • Hudson Freeze PhD, Director, Human Genetics Program, Sanford Children’s Health Research Center
  • Kim Goodsell, Patient Advocate
  • Philip Low PhD, Founder & CEO Neurovigil
  • Michael Swit, Special Counsel, Duane Morris LLP
  • Ryan Taft PhD, Director Scientific Research, Illumina
  • Christina Waters PhD MBA, CEO & Founder Rare Science
  • John Wetherell PhD JD, Partner Co-Chair, National Life Science Group, Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw Pittman LLP

Sino-American Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SABPA) is an 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in early 2002 by professionals and scholars from the Chinese community in San Diego. In 2005, we expanded to Orange County and Los Angeles. We invite all scholars, professionals and entrepreneurs of any origin who are working in, engaged in, or interested in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry in Southern California to join us as a member of SABPA.