A showcase of innovative products designed and manufactured by StarFish Medical drew visitors at MD&M West February 18-21.
Among the products shown was the just launched Levo System by Otoharmonics, user-friendly custom sound therapy for those affected by tinnitus. FASTResponder, the newest sternal intraosseous device from Pyng Medical, was developed for first responders and first receivers and is specifically designed to be as easy to learn, simple to use, and fail-safe as possible. Offering a glimpse of the future was the Smart Capsule™ for sampling intraluminal contents, cells, and tissue.

Cost-effective, non-invasive ingestible Smart Capsule™ for sampling intraluminal contents, cells, and tissue from Interface Diagnostics.
StarFish Medical completed the successful MD&M West Expo in Anaheim, CA by drawing a winning entry for the iPad Air and adding two StarFish Medical limited edition KENEK Edge pulse oximeters as prizes to the popular show/newsletter raffle. Kojo Omtlekofer of Santa Clara CA, won the iPad Air2. Michael Naumann of San Diego CA , and Nate Elsen of Boulder CO won the KENEK Edge pulse oximeters.