MD+DI: Medtech Trends to Watch in 2020

Medtech Trends to Watch in 2020


The December 30, 2019 online edition of MD+DI features Medtech Trends to Watch in 2020 by Daphne Allen. Sub-headed “What were the biggest medical device trends for 2019, and what will be trending in 2020? Are there any unmet healthcare needs that medtech companies should begin to address in 2020?” The article includes observations from industry experts including StarFish Medical CEO and Founder, Scott Phillips.


Personalized medicine is also advancing thanks to advances in in vitro diagnostics technology. “Personalized medicine will continue to make inroads with point-of-care assays and devices to support various new therapies,” said Scott Phillips, CEO and founder, StarFish Medical.

Startup Challenges

“As the consolidation of large ‘strategic’ companies continues, startups will get squeezed. In order to attract capital, there will be more need for startup medtech companies to carefully consider the market dynamics of their field and ensure there are multiple exit partners,” said Scott Phillips of StarFish Medical.

Healthcare Economics

There appear to be several changes in the economics of healthcare.

For instance, “the slow rise of episode-of-care payments and managed care will result in new opportunities for medical technology startups. New value propositions will emerge that enable device buyers to benefit from savings in other areas of the care continuum,” said Scott Phillips of StarFish Medical.

Read the full Medtech Trends to Watch in 2020 article.