MDTmag: StarFish guest blog makes most read list for 2014

A 23 December 2014  blog, The MDT Top 10 Blogs from 2014 by Sean Fenske, MDT Editor-in-Chief, includes a StarFish Medical guest blog from 2013 at #5 – 7 Tips for Painless FDA 510(k) Regulatory Submissions.

As Fenske explains, “Since this blog features the Top 10 stories from 2014 that received the greatest number of views from website visitors, I thought it appropriate to quickly highlight some previously published items from 2013 or earlier that drew a substantial number of views in 2014 (in some cases, more than some of those on the Top 10 list). So here are the Top 5 previously published items in 2014.”

Congratulations to Vincent Crabtree Ph.D., for making the MDT most read list for 2014 and the enduring popularity  of his 23 November 2013 article.  Read more blogs from Vincent Crabtree.