MPO: Closed Loop Thermal Control in Medical Devices

Closed Loop Thermal Control

Medical Product Outsourcing features Closed Loop Thermal Control in Medical Devices written by Kenneth MacCallum, P.Eng., Principal Engineering Physicist, StarFish Medical, as an Online Exclusive in their August 30, 2021 online edition.

A closed-loop feedback approach is an effective mechanism to address thermal control challenges: MacCallum summarizes the article succinctly, “Maybe an assay needs to be temperature regulated. Or the spectral output of an LED or laser has a large tempco. Or it’s to push down the noise floor of a sensor. Sometimes closed-loop temperature control is just a nice way to keep a heatsink cool without having fans blasting continuously. In all these cases, a closed-loop feedback approach is an effective mechanism to address the thermal control challenges.”.


Medical Product Outsourcing is the only global magazine (circulation of 25,000† Verified Audit Circulation-qualified recipients) dedicated to the growing trend of medical device outsource manufacturing. Our in-depth coverage includes comprehensive feature articles, industry news, trends, and other developments pertinent to the service provider-OEM relationship. MPO examines the increasingly complex and demanding requirements of managing outsourcing partnerships. From regulatory mandates and manufacturing best practices to market shifts and legal concerns, each issue is filled with relevant content to help device manufacturers and their vendors stay informed.