MD+DI DeviceTalk guest blog: 14 Ways That Non-Profits Contribute to the Medical Device Industry

Non-Profits Contribute to Medical Device Industry

The January 19, 2017 online edition of MD+DI Device Talk features 14 Ways That Non-Profits Contribute to the Medical Device Industry, a guest blog by StarFish Medical Mechanical Engineer, Nigel Syrotuck.

In his blog, Syrotuck notes: “It’s easy to assume the medical device industry comprises for-profit companies of all sizes, yet non-profits also play a major role in the sector.” Syrotuck’s article includes more than a dozen ways non-profits help the device industry.

He concludes, “Clearly, non-profits contribute a wealth of resources to the medical device industry and its research and development. For-profit designers frequently use them to support profit-making endeavors (as they are often intended to). We should give them our support in turn and be aware of the key contributions they play in helping people get the healthcare they need.”