Qmed, MPMN medtech pulse: How I Developed a Cystic Fibrosis Medical Device

Qmed January 28, 2014, and MPMN medtech pulse March 26, 2014, feature an article and videos by StarFish Medical client, Marten DeVlieger, and the ChestMaster Cystic Fibrosis medical device.  The article includes a discussion of StarFish Medical contributions by the lead industrial designer on StarFish process and team expertise:   “Iterative, fast, proof of concept prototypes allowed a series of discoveries to facilitate a design direction. Knowledge of a wide range of materials, and a cunning combination of key materials created a solution that leveraged their positive influences collectively.”

DeVlieger notes: “I am grateful to Mark Drlik, our engineer and project manager at StarFish Medical and, and the rest of the ChestMaster development team for their dedication and hard work to make my vision for ChestMaster a reality.”