VICTORIA, British Columbia, December 19, 2017 – VIATEC announces a total of $53,523.82 in cash and 1,733lbs of food has been collected for the Mustard Seed as a direct result from the 2017 VIATEC Food Bank Challenge! The weight in food is equal to $4,897.50. Starfish Medical was the Greatest Overall Contributor with a whopping $9,563.80.
Thanks to everyone at StarFish Victoria who donated and participated in the 2017 Food Bank Challenge. Congratulations to Meredith Campbell-Jess for leading the 2017 company effort. Read more about the event.
StarFish Toronto also hosted a Cook-off on Monday, November 27. All proceeds went to the Daily Bread Food Bank, a local charity focused on fighting hunger in our communities. Everyone was encouraged to make a dish of their choosing to share with the office. See photos on Facebook here.
VIATEC (Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology and Entrepreneurship Council), started in 1989. Our mission is to serve as the one-stop hub that connects people, knowledge and resources to grow and promote the Greater Victoria technology sector (Victoria’s biggest industry).