MPO Exclusive: 7 ‘Expanse-ive’ Medical Devices

7 'Expanse-ive' Medical Devices -


The May 14, 2020 Online edition of  Medical Product Outsourcing (MPO) features 7 ‘Expanse-ive’ Medical Devices – A medical designer’s (very) informal review of sci-fi props in “The Expanse.”

Nigel Syrotuck, StarFish Medical Mechanical Engineering Team Lead, explains “I’ve noted before how the magnetic boots in the “The Expanse” fascinate me, and the latest fourth season was packed full of more medical devices than ever before. Keeping with the quality of the show (yes, I’m a fan), they are so realistic, as a medical device designer I can’t help but imagine how they would actually work as a real design.”

Syrotuck then explores seven different medical devices from the program and analyses them accordingly:

  • What’s accurate?
  • What’s plausible?
  • What’s implausible?
  • Final assessment

“Overall, the medical devices were pretty cool to think about, and fairly realistic for a sci-fi show. I hope you enjoyed this light-hearted review. I love that medical devices are actually a feature of this show—I’m looking forward to what season five has in store!” concludes author and fanboy, Nigel Syrotuck.

About Nigel Syrotuck

Nigel Syrotuck is mechanical engineering team lead for StarFish Medical, where he regularly contributes insights and expertise to the weekly Blogarithmic employee blog.  Nigel is also a prolific contributor to industry media, including MD+DI & QMED. His background includes a diverse project development portfolio including sustainable power solutions, assisted living devices, and nano-satellite design.

About MPO

Medical Product Outsourcing is the only global magazine (circulation of 25,000† Verified Audit Circulation-qualified recipients) dedicated to the growing trend of medical device outsource manufacturing. Our in-depth coverage includes comprehensive feature articles, industry news, trends, and other developments pertinent to the service provider-OEM relationship. MPO examines the increasingly complex and demanding requirements of managing outsourcing partnerships.

About StarFish Medical
StarFish Medical is a full service Medical Device Design company offering design, development, and manufacturing services based in Toronto and Victoria. We use our Pathfinder™ process to reduce wasted effort and increase success for medical device product definition, technical engineering, and product development. Prototype and volume production are delivered within an ISO 13485 certified Quality Management System and an FDA registered manufacturing and clean room facility.

StarFish Medical media contact:

Mike Camplin
250.388.3537 x210