TIMES COLONIST: Upbeat signs for Greater Victoria tech firms amid pandemic

Greater Victoria tech firms

Scott Phillips, StarFish Medical CEO and Founder, is featured in the Times Colonist June 30, 2020, article Upbeat signs for Greater Victoria tech firms amid pandemic written by Andrew Duffy. The article covers a report from the Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology and Entrepreneurship Council (VIATEC).

Duffy notes: “The survey of local tech firms found the vast majority of companies have either held onto all employees or increased their workforce over the last three months, while the bulk of them believe they can handle pandemic restrictions for at least a year.”

Interviews with company leaders, include Phillips: “Scott Phillips, chief executive of StarFish Medical, said his company has been riding a bit of a wave over the last few months.

‘From a business perspective it’s generally been pretty positive for us,’ (Phillips) said, noting they have benefited from investments in their facilities made last year and a high-profile ventilator program during the pandemic.”

VIATEC surveyed 88 local firms and found that 44 per cent report stable revenue levels. Only 6.5 per cent report a drop in revenue of in excess of 50 per cent.

VIATEC chief executive Dan Gunnn said there is a chance the sector could emerge from the pandemic stronger than before. “We were pleasantly surprised by the number of companies expecting head counts to increase, it’s a great sign they are treating this as a moment and not a forever.”