MPO: 10 Usability Heuristics for Better User Interface Design

Usability Heuristics


On May 30, 2019, Medical Product Outsourcing (MPO) Online published 10 Usability Heuristics for Better User Interface Design. Written by Hannah Rusak-Gillrie, Junior Human Factors Engineer, StarFish Medical, the article subheading is “Follow these principles in UI design to develop a friendly, effective user interface.”

Rusak-Gillrie notes “A pretty definitive method for determining the effectiveness of a UI is user compliance, or the percentage of users that end up following the intended workflow of the system without getting lost, confused, or giving up (we’ve all been there).”.

The article features 10 usability heuristics for UI Design, which can be applied to both graphical (GUI), and non-graphical UI for medical devices. The principles range from Visibility of System Status to Help and Documentation.

Hannah concludes the article ith the following thought “Follow these principles in UI design to develop a friendly, effective user interface. These 10 principles can be used in both a proactive and reactive way to analyze and assess design changes that deliver a better, user-friendly UI“.

Hannah Rusak-Gillrie is a Jr. Human Factors Engineering at StarFish Medical. She provides human factors support during all stages of the design process including preliminary human factors analysis, workflow assessments, analogous device reviews, KOL research, critical task identification, and use case development.