Editor’s note (February 2025): This article was published July 13, 2012. The alpha device was eventually completed and is a Baxter Product, The Vest® System, Model 105.
You won’t often find me posting on this blog. I am usually behind the scenes, working on the website or engaging in public relations efforts. Recently, one of those efforts resulted in a wonderful story in the Globe and Mail about our client, ChestMaster.
The ChestMaster device is a vest that aids in percussive therapy for individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) and other respiratory ailments that require airway clearance. Though not ready for market just yet, the ChestMaster device is garnering a lot of attention, particularly after the story of the device and its inventor broke on the front page of Canada’s national newspaper.
While kind words of congratulations and industry and media interest have been plentiful and very much appreciated, it’s the messages we are receiving from potential users of the device that are especially welcome.
We have heard from adults who have been struggling with CF all their lives who yearn to enjoy prolonged activity or have the freedom to be away from home for more than a few hours at a time. We’ve also heard from parents of children with CF or similar disabilities who want to be able to give their children that same freedom.
Each and every person at StarFish has a passion for what they do and enjoys solving the complex problems inherent in designing, developing, and manufacturing a medical device.
We are fortunate to work with brilliant, innovative clients that push the boundaries of what’s possible in medical device development and we’re proud to be a part of that process. Rarely though do we get to experience, in such a visceral manner, the profound impact these devices have on the most important people in the equation.
I wish to offer a heartfelt thanks to all those who gave that to the StarFish Medical team this week by way of emails, telephone calls, and online comments regarding the ChestMaster story. Your messages touched us all and reaffirm our commitment to producing the best medical devices possible.
Photo Credit: StarFish Medical